من أسباب الشيب هو توقّف بصيلات الشعر عن تكوين مادة الميلانين وهي المادة المسؤولة عن منح كل من الشعر
هو زوائد بروتينية تنمو على أجسام الثديات ويتكون من بعض الخاليا سامة وضارة بالجسم ًغير الحية
نحلم جميعاً ببشرة متوهجة خالية من العيوب، ولكن مع المنتجات الجديدة التي تظهر باستمرار ونصائح العناية بالبشرة التي ال نهاية لها، ليس من السهل دائماً معرفة نصائح لجمال البشرة التي ستعمل بشكل أفضل بالنسبة لك.
الزيوان هو من المشكلات الجلدية التي تصيب الشباب والفتيات بالاخص في مرحلة البلوغ. يصاب الانسان بها نتيجة انسداد بصيلات الشعر، وبالاخص في المنطقة الموجودة بالانف
البشرة الدهنية هي البشرة التي تتصف بمسامها الواسعة، وغزارة إفرازها للزيوت الطبيعية
Why should you wash your face before applying makeup? When you’re sleeping, you transfer bacteria (dirt, hair, dust, dead skin, crust from your eye, etc.) to your pillow. The bacteria on your pillowcase can transfer to your skin, making it more prone to breakouts or acne over time.
Feather Touch Brows also known as Microblading is a long lasting Cosmetic Tattooing technique for the brows.
Eyebrows have become one of many beauty obsessions for women worldwide—however, attempting to draw a perfect arch every time can be frustrating, not to mention, time-consuming. Females have increasingly begun to tattoo their brows as a result, an easy, effortless solution to beauty maintenance. “Microblading is a semi-permanent eyebrow technique where natural pigments are used to create hair-like strokes for naturally fuller brows,” explains NY/NJ-based makeup artist Nina Ramirez. “Not only does this reduce the hassle of having to apply makeup every day, but it has also benefited women who have experienced hair loss due to any diseases.”
Do you feel you’ve tried just about everything to get rid of your acne but still see blemishes? Don’t despair. To see clearer skin, you probably just need to make some changes.
Acne can be stubborn and seem to pop up at the worst times. The good news is that over-the-counter and prescription medications can zap pimples and help stop new breakouts. The bad news is that some acne products can cause side effects like redness, discoloration, or dryness, notes the Mayo Clinic. (1) For this reason, some people prefer treating acne at home with natural solutions.
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inky eyebrow tattoos are a thing of the past. Thanks to new technology, the times have changed to fulfill our bushy-browed dreams. “Techniques, tools, and products have evolved since then and they continue to advance as more technology is introduced,” says restorative tattoo artist Shaughnessy Otsuji.
Do you continue to break out despite having tried several acne treatments? Are you convinced that nothing’s going to work, but given time, the acne will clear on its own? You don’t have to wait. With the right treatment and skin care, virtually everyone can see clearer skin. Here’s what you can expect when you see a board-certified dermatologist.